
Positive Black & White + Colour Pritning

Well yesterday I ordered 50 sheets of 6"x4" black & white positive paper. Which has no real use except for pinhole cameras. So over my ridiculously long summer I will have a project to carry on with. I plan to tryout round cameras, multiple exposures and many many more tests, I am rather looking forward to the project and the results. I am sure I will have a portfolio of pinhole images by the end of it. As well as another batch of paper on the way too.

To the colour printing right now I am waiting for a colour enlarger so I can do my first colour hand print. Which should be rather interesting when I finally get to do it. I will hopefully be able to post some pics of this later on.


  1. Do you not have colour enlargers at uni?

  2. I do yes...
    But only 12, so I blogged whilst waiting :)
