
Kodachrome - Well its been sent

Whilst shooting I did find another roll of Kodachrome and had them both sent off on the 24th/25th consecutively. So I am hoping very much that they will have got there in time!
We shall know soon enough I suppose. They will be posted as soon as possible though..

Anyone looking to transfer slides to a digital format need to look to invest in a high quality negative and slide scanner as the cheaper ones are not as good for editing and prints, how ever for archiving and on screen viewing they will do fine.

On the mention of slides I have recently found a place in Derby that will transfer digital images in to slides. Which means for anyone with access to a colour darkroom you can get perfect prints from your digital files.

1 comment:

  1. You can get 'perfect prints' from your digital files by sending them anywhere with an 8+ colour large format printer and then guillotining them down. Good luck finding a readily available source of colour positive paper :P Finding colour negative paper is hard enough.
