
We Will March - 10-11-10 - NUS March - Derby

Today was the day students took to the street in Protest of the planned student fees raise's here are some of the news articles and some of my photos from the Derby event.

In London:
"Around 50,000 students, lecturers and members of the general public took part in what is being labelled as the biggest student demonstration in a generation, jointly organised by NUS and the University and College Union (UCU). The march covered a route pre-approved by police from Horse Guards Avenue to a rally outside the Tate Britain where protestors heard from UCU General Secretary Sally Hunt, NUS president Aaron Porter and TUC deputy general secretary Frances O'Grady" -

Unfortunately there were a few "Rouge Protesters"ruined the peaceful protests NUS & UCU condemn these actions.

How ever here in Derby protesters kept in line and stuck with the peaceful protests the police there were just there as a precaution.


  1. Considering that in video footage I've seen the rogue protestors you mentioned happened to be waving anarchist flags and bearing anti-war and anti-trident banners, I'd suggest that NUS and UCU are probably directing their disgust at the wrong people. As you came into the march there were a number of socialist leafleters, and at the end of the march area there was a big anti-war stand.

  2. I know they are. I did say that NUS & UCU condemned there actions.
