I have said before that I plan to start talking about more than just photography, and here is the first real post in that direction. A while ago(like over a year ago) I purchased 1Raspberry Pi and received another as gift. A link to the latest version below.
With so many ideas and projects available I was ready to start making cameras, games consoles, media centres and everything else, somehow I got distracted, then last Black Friday I brought one of these on Amazon. A power extension which can be enabled and controlled using a Raspberry Pi (again not got around to this yet) but each socket is individually controllable, allowing me in theory to Tweet a command and turn on the heater in my room when I am on the way home or power up my computer etc. Once I get around to building this project I will make a guide and show how I got on,
My favourite projects from the web:
Magic Mirror
Using a two-way mirror (not the type from Harry Potter, although I wonder if that is another project to make hmmm...) a screen and a Raspberry Pi you can make a magic/smart mirror.
The person in the above image is the creator and here you can find all his updates, how to's and updates here: http://michaelteeuw.nl/tagged/magicmirror
Infrared Camera

Raspberry Pi, creators initially made a standard camera to go with the camera boards, allowing people to make their own camera, cctv, nature cams and the like however after a larger demand. They launched the PI NoIr camera (now on version 2)
"The Pi NoIR gives you everything the regular camera module offers, with one difference: it does not employ an infrared filter. (NoIR = No Infrared.) This means that pictures you take by daylight will look decidedly curious, but it gives you the ability to see in the dark with infrared lighting"
All the details can be found here:
Other uses with the addition of IR lights can include Night Vision cameras great for making Nature Cams and this is something I am interested in creating at some-point possibly combining one of these http://amzn.to/2fdEjsX along with one of these http://amzn.to/2f6Dt3E to create a motion detectable IR Night Vision camera.
I am not sure how I would pull it all together but I am sure I will!
There are hundreds more projects out there and I will make occasional posts about what I find and what I do.
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